
Health and Safety Policy
Our policy is to provide and sustain safe and healthy work
circumstances, in addition to work systems and equipment for all pupils
and staff (teaching and non-teaching),
and to also provide information where that is possible or necessary, Included in this document is the allocation of safety issue responsibilities and the arrangements we will be making to implement this policy.
The policy will be updated as personnel changes and the need for new care areas arises. In addition to any updates, a continuous safety inspection will be conducted. The headteacher must be informed of any hazards or dangerous situations at once.
The Headteacher and the Chair of the Body of Governors are wholly responsible for Health and Safety in the school.
The system works by the Headteacher appointing members of staff with special responsibilities for risk and danger. It ensures that they receive full instructions on the responsibilities required of them and that they receive sufficient training, if needed, in those areas over which Where any member of staff notices a Health and Safety problem that cannot be solved at once, they must move the pupils from that area at once and inform the Health and Safety representative (or the person who deals with this area of Health and Safety issues). If there is a delay in finding this person, they must ask for the Headteacher.
* The Fire or Ambulance service can be contacted without referring to a higher authority. You can be criticized if such a service is not called when required. This should be done without referring to the Headteacher if they are not available.
1. If a pupil, member of school staff or anyone on the site is injured, the assistance required in addition to First Aid, i.e. Fire, Ambulance, Doctor, Police, must be called upon.
In addition, the support services must be contacted to minimise or eradicate the cause of the accident, such as Gas, Water, Electric or 2. If a notifiable accident, as noted in the circular from the Education Director, dated November 1992, occurs, then the Local Education Authority must be notified at once over the phone: 01446 709150
The Authority will inform the Health and Safety Executives.
3. Two copies of the Authority's official forms must be filled in and sent to the Director of Education. (Copies of this form are kept in the 4. It is a good idea to take rough notes and keep them, as follow-up events occur and action is taken as well as the responses to those actions and their timing. Witnesses names should be taken.
5. A full record should be made and kept in the school's Accident 6. Small accidents are recorded e.g. cut to finger, sprained foot in the same accident book which is kept in the first aid room. Essential Telephone Numbers
Fire, Ambulance, Police .
Gas-related emergency.
0800 111 999
Electricity-related emergency.
0800 052 0400
Water-related emergency. 0800 052 0138
Health and Safety Executives………….
Ian Cooksley 01446 709528
Appointed First Aid Assistant. Mr. Alun Roberts A high percentage of the staff have been trained in First Aid and are qualified to give First Aid in an emergency.
Physical Education Equipment :- Mr. A Roberts Design and Technology Equipment:- Mrs N. Tough Contractors and Visitors
Any visitor or service personnel with a right to be on the site is in our care as long as our actions can affect them. Visitors should call in the office in the first place wearing a YMWELYDD / VISITOR badge.
No contractors vehicles can gain entrance to the school between 08.50 and 9.30 in the morning and between 15.00 and 15.45 in the afternoon unless specific arrangements have been made with the If a vehicle must be driven in the parking lot during school hours - it
must be ensured that all children are out of the way and safe. Vehicles
should be driven slowly with an adult walking in front of the car to
ensure that no children are in the way.
Contractors must ensure that children are kept away from equipment and working zones, through erecting sufficient and necessary barriers. Visitors should be in the company of the person they have come to see at all times and should be escorted out of the premises at the end of their visit. By doing do, every person can be accounted for if an ASSESSING DANGER - See the County's guidelines - risk assessments are
kept in a separate file in the office.
ROAD SAFETY, including the parking lot
It is suggested that parents who escort their children to the school by car park on the street opposite the school.
The school's parking lot is for staff only. The buses that escort children to and from the school drop them off at the front of the school. At the end of the day the children are escorted Mrs. Jane Jenkins offers Road Safety training to children in year 2 every In Key Stage 2, no visitors offer seasonal training, but Road Safety is taught throughout the Personal and Social Education curriculum. The school's Associate Policewoman and a Road Safety Officer visit if COMMUNICATIVE DISEASES
The school follows the Education Authority's policies on communicative ADMINISTERING MEDICINE TO CHILDREN
http://publications.teachernet.gov.uk/ec/DfES-1448-2005.aspxWe have based our policy on administering medicine in accordance with DFEs Guidelines, DfES Managing medicines in schools and early-years settings, (DfES/Department of Health, 2005).
Although there is a professional duty on us to care for children, THERE IS NO DUTY on us as teachers and nursery administrators to administer medicine to children. Sometimes, a child requires medicine regularly e.e. heart or kidney diseases, and as we administer medicine to a child in the school we therefore reduce the disruption to the child's The Policy
Staff are only allowed to administer prescription medicines by a doctor or dentist. Therefore we cannot administer any medicine without the The parent must fill in an "Application for Administering Prescribed Medicine in the School" before we are able to give any child medicine It also includes 'Ventolin' although many children administer this themselves - although under our supervision.
The medicine / tablets must be in the original bottle / box given by the pharmacist, and show the following details:- We will not accept medicine unless all the above details are correct.
In accordance with the medicine storage conditions, they should be In a safe place - teacher's cupboard, or for Year 6 pupils - Ventolin in their pocket and Becotide in the teacher's The parents must inform the school what medicine the child has been given before coming to school. This is done using an official form (available from the office). Parents are responsible for informing us of Two members of staff must check the medicine when measuring it and also two members must be present when it is administered to the child. A form must be signed every time the medicine is given - apart from Veltolin and Insulin, as the child administers these themselves.
In some circulstances the teacher must be given training before they are able to administer some types of medicine.
e.g. Epipen - for a severe allergic reaction - anaphylactic shock.
The County Borough's insurance policy applies to anyone who is accountable for administering medicine, while they are acting under the instruction of the Headteacher and within the county's document We ask parents to note any allergy their child has on a form when the child begins school e.g. allergy to eggs, nuts in particular, colouring in If they have a severe allergy, and the child tends to have a serious reaction, then the medicine administration policy for children must be followed and the parents must sign forms, keep medicine in the school if the reaction occurs e.g. Piriton or Epipen.
DRUGS EDUCATION POLICY - see the recent policy according the the
county's guidelines
When a child is ill and need to go home, we telephone the contact number. We try and get the contact to fetch the child. If that is not possible and that the child needs to go to the hospital the An adequate safety belt and a safety seat to transport the child, will do so along with someone else.
The necessary protective clothing for the benefit of health and safety must be provided to staff, who must comply with the Protective Personal Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. Gloves should be worn
when treating blood e.g. nosebleed, a cut to the head.
Access. The main gates are to be kept clear so that they may be opened fully for emergency vehicles to gain access.
Any vehicle parked on yellow lines outside of the school will be Large Rubbish Bins. Must be stored in the furthest corner of the yard behind the gates so that they are not a barrier.
Assembly Points. Staff are aware of assembly points in an emergency Maintaining the yard. The tarmac should be in good condition. Steps should be maintained and not worn or uneven. Gutters should be safe as possible - any problems should be reported to the Health and Safety Entrances / Exits. Doors on buildings should open outwards and should not jam anywhere. Every corridor and foyer to entrances and exits should be well-lit every time and without barriers in the way.
Drains. Every drain should be cleaned regularly to let water flow freely. Any drain which is blocked should be reported to the Headteacher.
Corridors. The children should walk, whether they are in the vicinity or Doors. Every faulty door must be repaired at once. The doors in the front of the hall are fire doors therefore they should be kept closed Carpets and Mats. Carpets should be secured at the edges with suitable edging. Faulty parts should be repaired, or changed, as a matter or urgency, and this needs to be reported to the headteacher.
Windows. A shattered/cracked pane of glass should be replaced. Levers and chords should operate freely. Windows designed to open Pin Boards. These should be at a height approved for safety when showcasing work. If they need to be extended higher, steps / a ladder should be avoided.
Power Points. Electricians should change every broken or cracked socket. Heat in a socket should be considered a matter of urgency and it should not be used until an electrician has inspected it. Pupils
should never put a plug in a socket or take it out.
Electric Plugs. Any free wires seen where a cable goes into a plug means that the plug should not be used until it has been repaired. Cables must be anchored inside of the plug. If there is heat coming from a cable, plug or socket and it is reported, the equipment should be closed down, the plug should be pulled out and not used until it has Every plug should be checked regularly by the electrician in
accordance with the Authority's Rules. The correct fuse must be fitted
into every plug, in accordance with the equipment it serves.
Computers - all wires must be secured under and behind the computers so that no-one can trip over them. If a fire starts in electric equipment (TV set / video) these instructions The children should be taken out as any smoke Switch the electricity off - if it can be done d) Telephone the Fire Brigade (999).
DO NOT use fire extinguishers which use water CO extinguishers should be used which pour CARBON DIOXIDE gas on the unit. It will not harm Hot and cold taps to be marked Every tap to flow freely. Hot water taps to provide water of Every sink to be safe and not cracked.
d) Pedestal units and seats to be in good condition Flushes to work properly and fill quickly. Urinals dd) Rubbish should not be allowed to collect Floors should be without cracks or broken areas.
To be in place. Inspection tickets to be in place and updated. The nature of their content and the type of fire they should be used to All P.E. equipment to be in good condition and properly maintained. Floors to be clean without defects. Non-slip mats should be in good Kitchen floors should be non-slip, even when wet. Tiles should not be raised, cracked or in need of repair.
Science, Physical Education, Information Technology and Design and As equipment which can be dangerous is used in these lessons, children should be very aware of responsible behaviour in order to Physical Education lessons using equipment Safety in the classroom
Teachers must be in school at least 10 minutes before a session begins. Although this does not mean that their presence in classes creates a Equipment is used in Science, Physical Education, Information Technology and Design and Technology lessons which can be dangerous if not used properly. We are teachers will therefore ensure that children are aware of how to handle equipment properly and Children must be supervised at all times when using this equipment: Saws, thumb saws, hammers, nails, screws etc.
A scissor should not be used unless a teacher is in the class.
The should be aware of the dangers of pencils, biros, drawing pins, When working with any one of the above, there should be a limit on If a child needs to carry a chair, they must hold the chair by the seat with the back of the chair away from them and the legs pointing to the Cleaning fluids should not be kept within the children's reach - the cleaners should be aware of this and keep cleaning fluids in the The children must always walk in the school buildings and in the yard Wet Playtime
In the Younger Children's Department children should continue to sit in their classrooms with suitable play activities provided. They will be supervised by officials from year 6 and the teacher on duty.
The Infants stay in their classrooms. They are supervised by the teacher on duty who will walk from one class to the next while there are officials Rainy lunchtime - classrooms for different years have been selected and the dinnerladies will supervise the classes. At rainy breaktimes and lunchtimes the Nursery children will stay in one room with the supervision of the nursery administrator/teacher who is on playtime duty and the nursery administrator and lunchtime Dry Playtimes
Teachers must be available for duties as soon as the bell rings. If a child is injured on the playing field then the teacher in charge must call for help and not leave the rest of the children unsupervised. After the bell has rung at the end of playtimes the children should be quiet and walk in their lanes before being sent back to their classes in ELECTRICITY
Children must be made aware of the dangers of electricity. Only teachers or staff with authority can so that, and should:- Plug any electrical equipment in to use.
Carry or move any electrical equipment.
Every electrical appliance must be switched off and plugs must be Children must be aware of the fire drill procedure. The fire drill must be Fire bells are tested, in accordance with the regulations, once a week, FIRE DRILL PROCEDURE
If the fire drill sounds, every classroom must be emptied quickly, orderly and quietly. Any child in the toilets must return to the classroom at Someone from the UDRh is appointed to call the Fire Brigade.
Fire Drill Guidelines are displayed on the wall in every classroom.
(See the Hazard Assessment file kept in the Office by the Headmaster).
Parents come to fetch their children from school at 3.25pm.
Teachers lead the children to school buses parked on Broadway Road, COUNTY HEALTH AND SAFETY GUIDELINES AND POLICIES
Further details on Health and Safety guidelines and arrangements are available on the Vale of Glamorgan website: www.staffnet.valeofglamorgan.gov.uk/learning__development/human _resources/health_and_safety/schools_health_and_safety.aspx The policy and action plan is reviewed regularly.
Signed: ………………………………………….…. Principal Signed: …………………………….………………. Chair, Board of Governors

Source: http://www.ysgoliolomorganwg.co.uk/downloads/polisi%20iechyd%20a%20diogelwchsaes.pdf


VIDAL en ligne (eVIDAL) Présentation : Base en ligne correspondant au Dictionnaire Vidal imprimé (accès sur abonnement). Médicaments : pour chaque médicament, une fiche du produit appelée « monographie » indique toutes ses caractéristiques. Parapharmacie (accessoires et matériel médical, désinfection et lavage, hygiène et cosmétologie, etc.) : certai


Preferences in Game Logics Abstract even excluding the possibility that an agent might value op-tions equally. Models of social procedures that do not re- We introduce a Game Logic with Preferences ( GLP ), quire one to completely specify the preferences of agents which makes it possible to reason about how information are thus highly desirable. Gal and Pfeffer [9, 10] have also or as

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