Jamacia packet 2010 for shenandoah district office.pub

How to Prepare for Jamaica
What to pack:
Passport (For questions regarding passports check out
You must have this information on your person within easy reach during travel
Work clothes
Bathing suit and old towel
Work shoes/boots
1 long sleeved shirt
1 set of church clothes (ladies should bring a dress as slacks are not customary in church)
Be prepared to sing your favorite gospel song during church service!
Camera and extra film
Video camera
Handi-wipes or hand sanitizer
A book to read in your free time
Dramamine (motion sickness)
**What NOT to pack in your carry-on luggage:
Any sharp object (pocketknife, tweezers, nail file, etc.)
Aerosol cans (hairspray)
Lighters or matches
See attached document about baggage limits, etc.
***Suggestion for anyone “not” in good physical shape:
It would be good for you to start working, jogging, or doing some type of physical exercise,
to help prepare you for a busy week. The weather in Jamaica will be hotter than the weather
in Roanoke, Virginia and the daily schedule is usually packed from 7 AM
to 11 PM. approximately.
I know some people are already doing exercise weekly. That is great . keep it up.
Name: ___________________________________________ Date of Birth:_______________________

Address: ______________________________________ S.S. # _________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: ____________________
Phone #: _____________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________
Contacts in case of emergency: #1 _______________________________________________________


#2 _______________________________________________________

Insurance Company: ___________________________________Policy #:________________________
Last Tetanus vaccine: ____________________________

Hepatitis A _________________________ Hepatitis B _________________________
Physical Limitations: __________________________________________________________________

Current Medication you are taking: ______________________________________________________

Allergies: (Check appropriate box)

□ Asthma
□ Bees/ wasp/ hornets
□ Medicine - Describe: _________________________________________________________________

Food - List: ___________________________________________________________________________

Other - Describe: ______________________________________________________________________

*Attach copy of medical insurance card front and back to this form.
Do you consider yourself to be in good physical condition currently? □ Yes □ No

If no, will you do physical exercise to improve your physical condition before the trip? □ Yes □ No

Signature ____________________________________________ Date ___________________________ Jamaica Missions Trip Application
Name (Please print your FULL name)______________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________________
City/State __________________________ Zip ______________
Phone:______________________________ E-mail ___________________________________________
Are you MARRIED or SINGLE? (Please circle one)
Have you been on a previous mission trip? □Yes
If so, where and with what organization? ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have physical limitations? Yes
If so, please describe ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Special Skills: (Check all that apply) ___ What skills or experience do you have in ministry >(i.e. Sunday School teacher, sign language, puppets, musical, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
Please fill out the information below for short term mission trip insurance:

Your Name __________________________________
Your Date of Birth _____________________ Beneficiary______________________________ Team Jamaica  
Vinton Wesleyan Church 

Dear Friend,
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!
God has given us a wonderful opportunity to serve Him in Jamaica. I am proud of
you for taking this step of servanthood for God and needy people. It brings me great
joy to have you on the team!
My purpose for this letter is to give you trip details. Let me know if you have any
1. Date for the trip - October 4-11, 2010. We will depart on Monday morning.
2. Cost - approximately $1,000. This will include air fare, meals, travel to
airport, and insurance. (Spending money is not included)
*Note: A $500, non-refundable, deposit is due August 29, 2010.
The balance is due September 12, 2010.
Make checks payable to Vinton Wesleyan Church Jamaica Missions.
3. Complete and return the enclosed forms: Application Form and Health Form, by
Please read carefully the “How to Prepare for Jamaica Sheet” and the
Baggage Policy Sheet.
4. Dress - Casual clothes are fine, shorts too. It will be hotter than Roanoke, Vir-
ginia. Bring work clothes and shoes/boots. 5. Commissioning Service - Sunday, October 3 at 11 AM - Vinton Wesleyan 6. While in Jamaica, we will assist Paul Finch with construction on Lances Bay
Wesleyan Church and with church services at night. As always the key words for the trip is to stay flexible. Some things may change. Jamaica 2010 is going to be an awesome time of ministry for all who go. I am pray-ing for you to experience a life changing week of serving God! Sharing God’s love  
with the people of  
Vinton Wesleyan Church
Team Jamaica
October 4-11, 2010
Reaching the world for Christ.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations . . .
Matthew 28:18
Vinton Wesleyan Church
246 Jefferson Avenue
Vinton, VA 24179

Source: http://www.shenandoahdistrict.ws/MissionTrips/Jamacia%20Packet%202010.pdf

Microsoft word - msd_4457580123803433

Effects of childhood body size on breast cancer tumour characteristics Jingmei Li1,2, Keith Humphreys1, Louise Eriksson1, Kamila Czene1, Jianjun Liu2 and Per 1Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Box 281, 171 2Human Genetics, Genome Institute of Singapore, 60 Biopolis Street, Singapore, 138672, Corresponding author: Jingmei Li, [email protected] A


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