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by Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD

According to the United States EPA or Environmental Protection Agency, the most
important threat to both human, animal and plant life on earth comes from the effects of
toxic chemicals.
Hundreds of thousands of chemicals have been produced in the world in the past two
hundred years, especially, often with little understanding of their toxicity - until a
problem arises. It is impossible for the governments and health authorities to keep up
with the design and manufacture of new chemical substances as our understanding of
chemistry becomes greater and greater. While I do not like the EPA in some ways, they
have tried to limit the spread of many deadly chemicals such as pesticides, insecticides,
solvents, toxic plastics, and others.
The Toxic Chemical Problem
Thousands of toxic chemicals have found their way into our air, food and water supplies worldwide. No place on earth is free of them anymore because they are carried by the wind and the rain to every corner of the earth. Most people on earth are quite toxic with hundreds of deadly chemicals all over in their bodies. Babies are all born with them, also, because they are transferred into them from their mothers during pregnancy. They can contribute to every possible type of physical and mental health problem imaginable. To make things worse, many of these chemicals are difficult or expensive to identify or test because they are complex and subtle chemicals. This article discusses how you can prevent or minimize chemical toxicity, and more importantly, how you can get rid of it from your body and your brain.

Conventional medical care offers very few remedies for toxic chemical poisoning, which
now affects everyone on planet earth. This is very unfortunate, as the doctors are the health authorities that most people turn to when there is an episode of toxicity such as a “cancer cluster”, or an epidemic of autism or birth defects. The medical profession is often at a loss to help, and often pretends to know what to do when they really do not know at all. This is the sad situation of chemical toxicity on planet earth. However, there is a bright spot in this picture. Nutritional balancing science offers simple, inexpensive and absolutely effective ways to remove hundreds, if not thousands

This is done via about 10 or more mechanisms that all occur at the same time.
These include but are not limited to:
1. Replenishing dozens of vital nutrients. This boosts the body’s innate ability to remove
all foreign substances from the body. This is a slow process that must be done carefully, so as not to overwhelm the body with too many supplements or even with the incorrect foods that would otherwise unbalance the overall vitality of the body. The body has buffering systems that prevent too much absorption of nutrients at one time. Also, minerals and some other nutrients compete for absorption in the intestines. Just giving a load of minerals will not guarantee proper absorption and utilization. It must be done correctly and slowly. The concept of balancing the oxidation rate is the key to nutritional balancing science and is discussed below. 2. Supporting and rebuilding the organs of elimination such as the liver, kidneys, skin, intestines and lungs. This occurs when one balances the oxidation rate and the major mineral ratios, as revealed on a properly performed hair mineral analysis. It also involves removing two dozen toxic metals, renourishing the entire body, specific food supplements, and the use of precise detoxification procedures such as near infrared sauna therapy and coffee enemas or colon cleansing. 3. Balancing the autonomic nervous system. In many people today, the sympathetic nervous system is overactive and exhausted. This impairs detoxification. Correcting this imbalance requires the proper diet, the use of a few supplements, the detoxification 4. Enhancing blood circulation to help the body move toxic substances out of the body. Sauna therapy is fabulous for this purpose, as is balancing the autonomic nervous system, a key part of a properly designed nutritional balancing program. A proper lifestyle is also very important, such as dressing correctly to keep warm, resting enough. 5. Enhancing the oxygen content of the body. Adequate oxygenation of the body destroys many chemical toxins. Balancing the body chemistry, deep breathing, and the detoxification procedures all help this to occur. I generally do not suggest vigorous exercise, however, because most people are too tired and it becomes an added stress on 6. Improving the hydration or water content of the body tissues. This is a greatly overlooked aspect of healing today. For example, I find that reverse osmosis water, also called ‘purified water’ or ‘drinking water’ does not hydrate the body adequately. Alkaline water is also not very good. I prefer a natural spring water or carbon-only filtered tap water only for drinking. Adults need to drink about three quarts or water daily. Also, coffee, tea, juices, soda pop and other beverages cannot substitute for pure water. In fact, anything sweet such as fruit juices or even fruit or sugars, caffeine in any form, or alcohol in any form tends to dehydrate the body, and increases water requirements. 7. Removing two dozen toxic metals. Toxic metals block thousands of enzymes needed for the removal of toxic chemicals from the body. As the metals are removed, the vitality of the body improves drastically, assisting chemical detoxification. Balancing body chemistry also helps activate these enzymes. Nutritional balancing programs can remove toxic metals without needing chelation, which we find dangerous and not necessary. The problem with chelation is that all chelators, even natural ones, remove some vital minerals along with the toxic ones, that 8. Making the body much more yang in Chinese medical terms. This is a subtle aspect of balancing the body that can make a huge difference in vitality and every other measure of health. A more yang body can literally squeeze out certain toxins, which are very yin. 9. Lifestyle plays an important role through the avoidance of all toxic chemicals. These include almost all medical drugs unless absolutely needed for emergencies, as well as avoiding all hormones, including bio-identical hormones, all vaccines, fluoridated and chlorinated water, almost all food chemicals, dental amalgams and other toxic 10. Adding the daily use of a near infrared sauna for several years greatly enhances the ability of the body to remove toxins through the skin, in particular. The skin is the largest eliminative organ of the body, but it is congested and sluggish in most people. 11. The use of the daily coffee enema is another fabulous way to greatly enhance detoxification through the liver. Originally used by Max Gerson, MD for cancer and other chronic diseases, the coffee enemas is truly amazing in its simplicity, low cost, safety 12. Equally important is that nutritional balancing carefully avoids procedures and products that are somewhat toxic or that can easily unbalance body chemistry. These methods include most herbs, which have become somewhat toxic, most medical drugs, and other methods such as chelation therapy and all hormone replacement therapies. I do not find them necessary and have found too many problems with them.

Although a complete nutritional balancing program is by far the best way to remove
chemical toxins, in my view, a few specific substances may be helpful. These are all used in some nutritional balancing programs: Kelp is an excellent and inexpensive source of iodine and many minerals needed for This is a powerful digestive aid and liver detoxification formula containin Russian black radish, pancreatin and dehydrocholic acid, a bile acid. Assisting the liver is a key to Calcium and Magnesium
These are also given to everyone, as most people are low in these two basic minerals that also assist the liver and the nervous system, primarily, though they are helpful for Renamide
Many chemicals can be removed to some degree by the kidneys. We often use a formula containing kidney glandular substance, uva urse, carbamide and vitamins A and Fish Oil and Vitamin D Supplements
These are also helpful for cell membrane function and many other activities in the body Garlic may be helpful for several reasons. It contains selenium, needed for glutathione activity in the liver, where most detoxification of toxic chemicals occurs. It also contains allicin, a chemical that also appears helpful for chemical removal. It also contains a lot of sulfur-containing amino acids, which are also helpful for liver detoxification. It also contains aromatic oils that may be helpful. Garlic can be taken orally, or even added to For a FREE Phone Consultation
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Microsoft word - bai-32.doc

FEED AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS SAFETY CONTROL ABSTRACT This study aimed to rate harmful status in feed and animal products; investigate current breeding, slaughter and for-sale status - Survival analysis of residual toxic substances in mixed feed, pork meat and liver samples showed that the average content of salbutamol in animal feed was 639.77 ppb; clenbuterol and salbutamol in meat samp

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